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Clinical Trial Tokenisation

Powerful insights for successful outcomes

Unlocking the potential

Tokenisation of patient data is well established in the commercial setting, but it is also applicable within clinical trials. It enables sponsors to link participant information in a blinded and encrypted way beyond the study setting, for better intelligence on health care outcomes and the development of more effective, safer drugs. Nonetheless, as with much evolution in the pharma industry, a lack of understanding around the concept could be a barrier to utilising its full potential.

Clinical Trial Tokenisation Podcast

What is Clinical Trial Tokenisation?

Hear the definitive explanation from the experts

A lack of understanding around the concept of clinical trial tokenisation could be a barrier to utilising its full potential. In this podcast we consider how tokenisation can be implemented into trials, challenges sponsors can prepare for and the benefits it can offer beyond the study itself.

Discover more about the use of real-word data and tokenisation in clinical trials in this informative podcast.

This video covers:

  • Insight you can gain from analysing data from tokenised patients and the benefits of this for sponsors
  • Overcoming the barriers and alleviating privacy concerns to ensure tokenisation can be deployed successfully
  • The prevalence of clinical trial tokenisation in today's landscape and predictions on future use
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Clinical Trial Tokenisation Article

The fundamentals of Clinical Trial Tokenisation  

Discover why pharmaceutical and biotech sponsors of all sizes should be considering adopting Clinical Trial Tokenisation as part of their product development strategy

Clinical Trial Tokenisation has the potential to provide valuable insight to inform strategic decisions on product development and commercialisation.

Access this thought leadership article from Scrip, in partnership with ICON, for the basic concept and considerations.

  • Top level advice in deploying Clinical Trial Tokenisation
  • Considerations in data privacy and security
  • Developing a strategy around Clinical Trial Tokenisation to align with your objectives


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Uncovering the benefits of Clinical Trial Tokenisation

The decentralised clinical trials conversation is not complete without discussing real-world data and clinical trial tokenisation.

Hear from an industry expert on how sponsors will have the opportunity to gain more data to support regulatory submissions without additional burden to the patient or the investigator.

This video covers:

  • How tokenisation has been used up to this point in health care and drug development
  • The complexities of tokenisation in clinical trials compared to tokenisation in the commercialisation of a product
  • Strategies for ensuring patient privacy and receiving consent when tokenising data in clinical trials.

You can also register to watch ICON's recent webinar on 'The Power of Clinical Trial Tokenisation'.