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ICON is a global provider of outsourced development services

ICON has approximately 41,150 employees in 106 locations in 53 countries as at September 30, 2023. In addition to its own global network of offices, ICON can provide service delivery in a total of 93 countries globally, through locally based staff who work from home, and partnerships with local third-party providers. ICON offers a broad range of specialised solutions to assist pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and government and public health organisations to bring new treatments to market faster. Our solutions span the entire lifecycle of product development, across a broad range of therapeutic areas, and can be adapted to suit small local trials or large global programs. We develop innovative technologies to significantly enhance the efficiency and productivity of clients’ drug and device development programs.

ICON services video

Financial figures

  • Full year revenue in 2022 of $7,741.4 million, representing an increase of 41.2% on full year 2021 revenue or 45.4% on a constant currency basis.
  • Quarter three revenue of $2,055.1 million representing an increase of 5.8% on prior year revenue. 

  • YTD revenue of $6,053.9 million representing a year on year increase of 4.8%.

  • Full-year 2023 financial guidance for revenue by narrowing the revenue range to $8,070 - $8,210 million, representing a year over year increase of 4.3 to 6.1%.

Q3 2023 financial results

How ICON partners with sponsors and pharma