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Investigator Payments & Tax Management

Minimising risk and ensuring compliance

Everyone involved in conducting clinical trials recognises that ensuring timely and accurate investigator payments is crucial.

This is not a straight forward task, as a variety of regulatory, legal and operational factors need to be considered when developing an investigator contracting and payment model. One area which does not always get sufficient focus from sponsors at the planning stages is tax management. This is understandable as the complexity of the non-tax factors that impact the payment model are already significant without layering on the ever-evolving global tax rules. A proactive approach can simplify the management of taxes, minimise the amount of work required by the sponsor and ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

Download our whitepaper to find out the potential risks and how you can mitigate against these by proactive consideration of the contracting model.


Investigator Payments and Tax

What you need to know to minimise compliance risk, increase efficiency and get it right first time.