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eBook: Quantitative bioanalysis by LC-MS for the development of biological drugs

Ten years ago, LC-MS for protein quantification was in its experimental stage. Today, we are witnessing its routine utilisation in the majority of bioanalytical laboratories, supported by specialised, automated technologies. More recently, LC-MS has been used to support the development of biological drugs (biopharmaceuticals) via macromolecular drug and biomarker quantification, using a variety of analytical approaches such as digestion, immunocapture, chromatography and mass spectrometry.

In this eBook, we explore the current landscape of LC-MS for biopharmaceutical development, the contributions of LC-MS technologies to the wider field and the bottlenecks currently limiting further LC-MS advancement. We will also discuss the importance of accurate interpretation of concentration results, particularly for macromolecular analytes, which strongly depends on the analytical approach used. 

Contents include:

Interview: Perspectives on LC-MS contributions to biopharmaceutical development with Nico Van de Merbel, Head of Bioanalytical Science, ICON 

Research article: Improving selectivity and sensitivity of protein quantitation by LC-HR-MS/MS: determination of somatropin in rat plasma 

Special report: Protein quantification by LC–MS: a decade of progress through the pages of Bioanalysis

Research article: Development, validation and application of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the activity and inhibition of DPP-4

Commentary: Large molecule bioanalysis by LC-MS: beyond simply quantifying  


Quantitative bioanalysis by LC-MS for the development of biological drugs