Thriving in Value-Based Healthcare: A Guide for Cardiovascular Device Manufacturers

In December 2016, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) expanded the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) Initiative to include cardiovascular and hip fracture services, taking a major step in the march towards value-based care in the US. How can medical device manufacturers sustain growth and successfully navigate this new model?

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Download our complimentary white paper, Thriving in Value-Based Healthcare: A Guide for Cardiovascular Device Manufacturers, and discover answers to five key questions:

  • How can sponsors respond to new business risks and opportunities in a value-based payment environment?
  • Which procedures will most likely be included in payment bundles and how should manufacturers respond?
  • How can sponsors use health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) strategies to thrive under new regulations?
  • What should manufacturers do if their new medical devices cost more than current payment bundles allow?
  • What novel models can help refine and improve reimbursement profiles under bundled payment rules?