Optimising global central pathology review in support of today’s elaborate clinical trial designs

ICON’s Digital Pathology solution is a comprehensive, beginning-to-end workflow based on best practices, security, and interactive system design that is purpose-built for today’s elaborate clinical trial designs.

It begins with harmonized sample preparation

Consistent and reproducible sample preparation is critical in global studies especially when digital images are utilized. ICON’s central laboratories — located in the US, Europe and Asia — use the same automated sample processing instrumentation, reagents and standardized SOPs to provide consistency and reproducibility.

Managing clinical trial image data

Using image data to collect clinical response data requires a hosting platform where images are accessible to study teams and presented to pathologists for review and reporting. ICON’s unique, proprietary platform, called MIRA (Medical Image Review and Analysis), is an image data host and data management platform integrated with ICON’s global LIMS. MIRA’s design enables:

  • Structure of studies with project teams, user roles, workflows, timelines, and task lists
  • Central pathology review including international key opinion leaders
  • Global, 24/7 secure remote access

A comprehensive Digital Pathology solution

By virtue of MIRA’s capabilities and globally harmonized laboratory workflows, ICON provides a seamless, Digital Pathology solution designed to accommodate complex clinical trial designs, facilitate the utilization of image data in generating supportive clinical data and enable global central pathology review.